Wednesday 3 April 2013

Host City!

Yesterday I heard some fantastic news! In the morning I received my first email from my counselor and country officer in Switzerland! Thekla and Adrian, sent a very lovely email welcoming me to Switzerland. They also informed me on what Canton I'm living in my host city and my school I will attend. Drum roll please...................... Canton: Fribourg!!! Host City: Düdingen and School: Collège Ste. Croix! I am extremely excited and so happy that I am going there! Düdingen is about a 5 minute train ride away from the capital of Fribourg, Fribourg. My school (Collège Ste. Croix) is also in Fribourg! Fribourg is a French and German speaking Canton 70% French and 30% German. Düdingen is 90% German so the great thing about all that is that I will be immersed in both languages! My school is run in French and German.

Düdingen has about 10000 inhabitants and Fribourg (the city) is home to about 40 000 people, it is a 20 minute train ride away from Bern the capital of Switzerland and it is also 40ish minutes by train away from Geneva and Zurich! I could not have asked for anything better! Fribourg is known as one of the "Best Kept Secrets" of Switzerland, it is a very well preserved medieval town that has grown for centuries. I think this is an absolutely fantastic place for me to be hosted! This news makes the experience 100% more REAL! I can't wait!

Gute Nacht/ Bonne Nuit!


This is a picture of Fribourg! It looks like a Fairy Tale city!

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